The Language of Neurons15th & 16th September 2023, Barcelona

Oscar VilarroyaSpeaker
Research Director at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Coordinator of the Research Group in Neuroimaging of mental disorders IMIM, Spain.
He leads a cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging lab at the same university and at the Hospital de Mar Research Institute, in Barcelona. His group have contributed to neuroscience with pioneering projects, including the first description of pregnancy-induced neural changes in the brains of human mothers. He has recently been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant to continue this work. Dr. Vilarroya is also interested in fundamental topics in cognitive neuroscience, including the notion of neural representation, which he has addressed in his book The Dissolution of Mind (Rodopi, 2002) and in later publications. He has additionally developed research projects on social neuroscience, which have received funding from the FP7 and Horizon Europe.
9:00 - 9:15
Neural representation
Welcome and Presentation
17:15 - 17:45
Neural representation
Wrap-up session